焊脚電池的PIN脚均為鍍鎳不銹鋼材料。 不銹鋼本身是不能够沾錫的,鍍鎳的作用就是為了用錫把電池PIN脚焊在線路板上。 而由於鍍鎳是採用滾鍍的工藝,因為電池焊片在電鍍時會造成重疊,所以偶爾會造成一定比例的電池焊片無法完全被電鍍,也會造成焊片在電鍍的過程中出現彎折的現象。 以下為此兩種工藝的對比。
Description of welding pad electroplating process
The PIN pin of the solder pin battery is made of nickel plated stainless steel. The stainless steel itself cannot touch tin. The function of nickel plating is to solder the battery PIN pin to the circuit board with tin. However, since nickel plating is barrel plating process, because the battery pads will overlap during electroplating, it will occasionally cause a certain proportion of the battery pads can not be completely plated, and it will also cause the solder pads to bend during electroplating.
A certain proportion of the welding pads cannot be soldered, and the welding time is long, which requires strict time control. Irregular operation may cause battery damage. A certain proportion of the welding pads are prone to deformation and bending during nickel rolling.
It can ensure that all welding pads are 100% easy to weld, and the welding time is short, so it is easy to weld. The welding pads do not need to be barrel plated, so there will be no deformation and bending.